A Chinese neural network from Tencent can turn your photo into an anime version.


In the Ukrainian portion of Twitter, the Chinese assistance Different Aspect Me is acquiring prevalence, which permits you to handle any photograph in the style of anime, reports AIN. Clients all over the planet transfer their own selfies, as well as photographs of celebrities, and offer the outcomes. The creators of the program are the engineers of the well known Chinese courier QQ, claimed by Tencent.

The help is accessible at the connection. You can likewise filter the QR code on any photograph result.


The connection point is in Chinese, however natural: you want to drag or transfer your photograph, the brain organization will deal with it and show the outcome shortly.

A colossal number of handled photographs posted on Ukrainian Twitter are not clients’ own photographs, yet photographs of celebrities. You can as of now track down anime variants of the Klichko siblings, Petro Poroshenko, Verka Serdyuchka and others

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