What Is An Empath? Plus 5 Signs You Could Be One – Forbes Health – USREPORT


Here’s a look at some of the more common pros and cons of being an empathic person—but keep in mind that specifics can vary for each individual, as Dr. Lira de la Rosa points out.

Pros of Being an Empath

Being a good listener: “Empaths are good listeners and take their time to understand others perspectives,” says Dr. Lira de la Rosa.

Others tend to trust you with their problems: Thanks to their ability to put themselves in other’s shoes and listen well, empaths can often come off as trustworthy, according to Dr. Lira de la Rosa.

Being able to discern others’ intentions: Empaths may be able to tell when someone is not being honest or genuine, says Dr. Lira de la Rosa.

Being skilled at maintaining friendships: Empathy is a significant factor in keeping social bonds strong. Those who are highly empathetic may find connecting with and understanding others comes quite naturally to them.

Feeling less aggression than others: One part of the brain, the amygdala, is related to emotional processes like pain and fear. Research suggests that the amygdala of highly empathetic people is more responsive to distress cues than others. Thanks to this extra responsiveness, highly empathetic people may be less aggressive toward sad or distressed people.

Being an asset in helping professions: Having a high level of empathy for others and working in helping professions—like social work, public health, counseling, etc.—can be beneficial for those receiving care, says Dr. Kennedy. “But they must know how and when to remove themselves to settle and reset,” she adds.

Cons of Being an Empath

Feeling overstimulated and burnt out: Empaths may feel drained, sad and exhausted when interacting with others, says Dr. Lira de la Rosa. “Since empaths process a lot of information rather quickly, they may feel quite drained and exhausted when spending time with others, as they may be picking up on a lot of cues,” he adds.

Neglecting one’s own needs: Being so tuned into others and their needs may mean your own needs usually take a back seat, which can be a significant disadvantage of being an empath, says Dr. Sultan. Empaths may find it difficult to tune out the emotions of others, which is one way to protect yourself and your energy, says Dr. Lira de la Rosa. “The very capabilities that make someone an empath also make it more difficult when they need to protect themselves from emotional overload,” adds Dr. Sultan.

Carrying the “weight of the world” on your shoulders: This emotional tendency can make empaths feel personally affected by global events, notes Dr. Sultan.


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